Books by Jake


FLUX - A Breakdown of Advanced Linear Fills and Concepts

Flux is the latest drum book by San Francisco-based drummer Jake Wood. It is a study in linear drumming, particularly focusing on linear fills and solos. Navigating through uncharted waters, Flux teaches drummers how improvise in a linear fashion by giving them a vocabulary of phrases. By relying on the muscle memory of well-known patterns, Flux bends, twists, and mutates these patterns into entirely new sounding fills. If you’ve been frustrated by slow hands, this book is for you. If you’ve been frustrated by the lack of instruction in how gospel chops work, this book is for you. If you just want to explore the next level of linear freedom, this book is for you. If Stick Control went on a blind date with Elon Musk and it was chaperoned by Jackson Pollock, you’d get Flux, provided neither of them swiped left.

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A Breakdown of Advanced Linear Fills and Concepts for Drum Set

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