2005: Currently recording albums with:

R. Will and One Life
Craig Easley

December 2005: Pedalsped has an album mastered and scheduled for release in mid January. More news on a cd release party as it develops.

November 2005: Deciduous has finished tracking the drum parts to the entire album! 16 funky songs.

November 2005: Scribe began recording a blazing record of epic proportions.

JULY 2005: Haymaker comes out swinging. You can now catch Jake doing his impersonation of blurry objects while playing breakneck fast punk beats with the fine young lads of Haymaker.

Jake is also keeping a busy performance schedule with The Skin Divers

Captain Negatron and the Fearless Regressives have begun their invasion. Hide your children. This jazz is dangerous. Keep an eye out for their upcoming album: When Jews Attack.

JUNE 2004: Bruce Drake’s solo album, “Locust” is now available to the public, with some mighty fine country knee slappin’, courtesy of your’s truly. It’s on sale today at www.milesofmusic.com.